Friday, January 28, 2011


Well...I did it...been meaning to for a while now...discovered facebook recently and love sharing status updates with family and friends...been able to get back in touch with people I went to primary school with...oh sorry...rambling already and only my first ever blog post..that's what I did by the way....finally started my own blog instead of just reading other peoples.

There are a few ways this will go:
1) I will post everyday and become boring to follow because my life just isn't that exciting!
2) I will post once a week and write huge lengthy, boring posts about what I had for dinner or the weather!
3) I will never post again! (this one unlikely as I am enjoying typing this and wondering if anyone will ever read it and do I care if they do or care if they don't! I mean what is the purpose of a blog anyhow - online Dear Diary with no padlock?)
4) I will write irregular, witty posts that people follow because they like the way I write and think I am funny and are keen to hear about the odd and interesting things I have done in my life and have yet to do.

I have been playing around with squidoo lenses lately and had fun creating them using templates - quite easy to pick up really and the templates are easy to use for adding photos, videos etc ... so hopefully I'll pick up this blogging idea really quickly too - other wise going to get old pretty quick with no pictures or anything more substantial than the ramblings of a tired mother of 3 children under 6 years old who should really be in bed asleep at 2am on a Friday night - but is instead sitting here creating her first ever blog and waiting for the 5 month old to wake up for her night feed (probably be tonight she sleeps through and I'll still be sitting here at 7am!!!)

....night, night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!

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